
Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Cosy Coffee Shop of Promises by Kellie Hailes

About the book

Curl up in The Cosy Coffee Shop of Promises with a latte and a scone, the perfect antidote to a grey day!

Mel’s dream of opening a coffee shop is finally a reality! A cosy little place turning out the best flat whites and most delicious pastries in Devon. In the picture-perfect town of Rabbit’s Leap no one can stand in her way – especially local pub owner, Tony. She doesn't care how gorgeous he is, she will not let him steal her customers with his fancy new coffee machine!
There is only room in their small town for one coffee shop…but when Hurricane Val – aka her mother – is due to blow into town, Mel is in desperate need of an instant boyfriend. She can’t face another hunt to 'find a man' and while Tony may be her business rival, Mel can’t help but notice he’d make the perfect fake fiancé…
If they can strike a deal all they need to do is stick to it, no falling in love, no real feelings and definitely no dreams of a happy-ever-after!

Buy here

My Review

I really loved the description for The Cosy Coffee Shop of Promises it grabbed me straight away and I couldn't wait to start it. So what did I think...

The first thing I have to say is that the characters were so much fun to get to know, Mel and Tony had a lot of chemistry even if they were both ignoring it. With both characters determined to keep their businesses running I enjoyed seeing them team up, each with their own agenda. Tony to inject some fresh ideas into the pub and Mel with the sole purpose of keeping her mum off her back. At times I do wish Mel would have stood up for herself more but in a way I can understand her reluctance. Valerie definitely knew how to get around her daughter and make her drop the subject pretty quickly.

This story was family orientated with Tony wanting to keep the pub going for his father and also with Mel having issues with her mum. It's easy to sympathise with Mel over her mum Valerie and how she can be pretty bad at times. Her mother would be hard to ignore and reason with so Mel just goes along with things to keep the peace. 

Before I knew it I had sailed through this book, the story is lighthearted but definitely has a fun side too. Oh and can I please try one of Mel's scones? As soon as I heard about them I wished I could try one.

Light hearted and fun with charming characters!

Four and a half stars from me!

Thank you to HQ Digital & Netgalley for my copy. This is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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