
Wednesday, 7 June 2017

The First Time Mums' Club by Lucie Wheeler #Review @lucie_wheeler @HarperImpulse

About the book

Meet Pippa…

After years of trying and a failed IVF attempt, Pippa is thrilled to see two little lines appear on a pregnancy test. Finally a precious baby to call her own. This is all Pippa has ever wanted…if only husband Jason could show just a little excitement.


A baby is the icing on the cake for Imogen and Alice – proof that their love for each other can overcome any obstacle. But when Imogen starts receiving malicious texts, it's clear that not everyone is thrilled about the girls' good news.

And Ellie…

A drunken one-night stand and Ellie's life is ruined! Pregnant, jobless and the relationship with her best friend, Chris, over- forever. Because Chris just happens to be the father of Ellie's baby…and potentially the love of her life!

For these first time mums the road to motherhood is bumpier than most!

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My Review

I think the best thing about the characters in this book is that they are so different and yet have one special thing in common - pregnancy! It was great to pick out certain personality traits as to how I was during my pregnancies, I definitely had flashbacks. It really was so easy to be pulled into these women's lives as Lucie Wheeler has created a wonderful heart warming story that I am sure will resonate with lots of people.

You are introduced to Ellie as she is making her discovery of being pregnant. I think anyone who has ever been in the situation can understand that once you make the decision to take the test it is all you can think about. I know I was the same, I had no patience whatsoever! Pippa is a delight and I couldn't help but smile along with her as she told her friend her news, you could feel the joy she was experiencing radiate from the pages. Although as the story progresses you discover that not everything is a perfect as it first appears to be. I felt a lot of affection for Imogen as she had such a tough relationship with her mum I'm sure that if you read this book you would want to give her a hug just like I wanted to. 

The transition from one character to another is smooth and I never felt like I wanted to switch back to another character. Their stories all held my attention just in different ways and Zoe I guess was the glue that kind of held them together. Mainly due to her owning a cafe which to be honest I wish I could go to myself. Even though there are multiple characters they each have a distinct personality and they all have a different story to tell. I'm not totally sure that I could pick a favourite as I enjoyed reading all of their individual stories and by the end it honestly felt as if I knew them all. 

The whole book felt so down to earth with a special charm that made me want to keep on reading. There is a great mix of emotional moments, funny moments and everything in between. There are lots of issues explored in this book from same sex marriage, an unstable relationship and also finding yourself pregnant when you aren't in a relationship. Pretty much everything is covered which makes this story so relatable.

A fantastic story exploring the wonderful experience that is motherhood along with love, romance and friendships. 
It really is a joy to read!

With thanks to Harper Impulse & Netgalley for my copy. This is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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